Monthly on first Saturday, 8AM-12PM (join for as much or as little as you need): 8AM Mass + Rosary 9AM Brunch + Social 9:30AM St. Therese Reflection 9:45-Noon Personal Prayer + Adoration (Confessions Available)
He said to them, "come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while". Mk6:31 You are worth the time. Everyone probably needs a sabbatical, a time of quiet, to step away from the normal pace especially when we feel depleted. Sabbatical Saturdays are an opportunity for anyone to come away and be still with Jesus. Start or end with Mass, join for some yummy breakfast treats and rest with Him in Adoration as we reflect on a retreat with St. Therese of Lisieux to help enter into our own prayer.
Join us February 21st and March 14th! We are offering a monthly evening for parents to recharge, go on a date or just rest while your kids (age potty trained and above) join us here in the St. Rose school cafeteria for games and fun! Light snacks provided. Sign up your kiddos using this form. Drop-off and pick-up will be through the front school doors on Alameda and 53rd.